A superior approach would be to maintain larger cash balances while also exploiting relative price movements and highly differentiated positioning within asset classes. 一种更优的策略是,在保持较大现金结余的同时,利用相对的价格变动并在各资产类别间进行高度差异化的持仓。
Second, a depreciation should cheapen the relative price of exports, helping companies to find new customers abroad. 第二,贬值应会让出口价格相对便宜,有助于公司在国外找到新的客户。
The relative price of the Dow Jones Transport Index ( companies that haul commodities and materials) also just rose to its highest level since mid-2011. 道琼斯运输业平均指数(DowJonesTransportIndex,覆盖运输大宗商品和材料的企业)同样刚刚升至2011年中期以来的最高水平。
Although the United States has the most affordable and good quality food, high levels of obesity and diabetes pushed the nation into 21st place in the ranking, tying with Japan, which scored poorly on the relative price of food compared to other goods. 尽管美国的食物价格和质量都是最好的,但是美国肥胖和糖尿病的高发率使美国排在第21名,与日本并排,日本排名不佳是因为食品价格相对其他商品偏高。
Study on Relationship between Fluctuation of Relative Price of Agricultural Product and Industrial Product and Money Supply 农产品和工业品的相对价格波动与货币供给
The core of Marx ′ s value theory is the total amount of value, not the relative price. 马克思价值理论的核心内容并不是相对价格,而是总量价值。
Currency, or relative price, adjustments between any two nations are not a panacea for structural imbalances in the global economy. 任何两个国家之间汇率(或相对价格)的调整,都非治愈全球经济结构性失衡的万能药。
Second, the condition of trade, or the relative price of export goods to import goods, does change. 另一个是贸易条件(出口产品对进口产品的相对价格)的变化。
The relative price of coal and gas is crucial to the health of European utilities. 煤炭与天然气的相对价格【注释2】对欧洲公共事业的健康发展至关重要。
The percentage of traders taking spread 'positions popular among hedge funds betting on relative price performance of two futures contracts was also smaller in London, at 14.7 per cent, than in New York, at 22.7 per cent. 持有价差头寸常见于押注两种期货合约相对价格表现的对冲基金的交易员在伦敦的比例为14.7%,也低于纽约为22.7%。
In this case, the proxy is the relative price of shares in CANTV, a Venezuelan telecom company, quoted in Caracas and New York. 只不过在这其中使用的是委内瑞拉电信公司在加拉加斯和纽约的股价比。
But a continuous rise in the relative price of commodities is a symptom of an inflationary process. 但大宗商品相对价格的持续上涨则是一场通胀的征兆。
Then the problem was that the price relative price of those two was not really fixed by the government. 然后,问题就在于价格,这两种货币的相对价格,没有被政府统。
The most difficult problem in aggregate theory is to deal with the relation between aggregation and relative price. 在总量理论中最难处理的是总量与相对价格的关系问题。
This will lead to a rise of relative price between non-trade products and traded goods. 这会引起非贸易产品对贸易产品的相对价格上升。
Relative price trends of commodities and manufactured products; 商品和制成品的相对价格趋势;
Regulation of Relative Price in the Variability of China General Price Index and Implications of Macro-economy Control 中国物价总指数变动中的相对价格调整及其宏观调控含义
The relative price effects of greater foreign production have decreased wages of low-wage US workers. 外国生产增加带来相对价格效应,进而降低了美国低技能工人的工资。
Redirecting resources away from finance and consumption towards exports and investment will require relative price shifts, for which the dollar has to move down. 若想把资源从金融和消费转移到出口和投资,就需要调整相对价格,因此美元将不得不贬值。
The relative price effect states that the only efficient motivation for employees is for employers to offer monetary rewards-the more money that is offered, the higher the motivation. 相对价格效应认为员工惟一有效的激励来自雇主的金钱回报,钱越多,激励作用越大。
In addition to identifying relative price levels and volatility, Bollinger Bands can be combined with price action and other indicators to generate signals and foreshadow significant moves. 除了确定相对价格水平和波动,布林线可与价格行为和其他指标产生的信号和预示重大举措。
We are all familiar with one of the effects of a globalising China: the relative price of labour falls, meaning cheaper "stuff". 我们都知道全球化的中国带来的影响之一是:劳动力的相对价格下降,意味着“东西”更加便宜。
The motive to establish such a system is to offer a kind of new idea, that is, to turn the traditional measure for returns and risks of stock to relative price and conditional yield. 之所以建立这样的体系,我们是提供了一种新的思路,即:把传统的对股票收益和风险的度量转移到相对价格和条件收益率上来。
Meanwhile, institutional reform can produce the change of relative price, promote the adjustment of economy structure. 同时,制度变革引发了相对价格的变化,推动了经济结构的调整。
The study aims at influence of relative price level and interest rate on real exchange rate. 本章重点研究了相对价格水平和利率水平对人民币实际汇率的影响。
In international trade, exchange rate and terms of trade are two important indicators of relative price. 在国际贸易中,汇率和贸易条件是两个很重要的相对价格指标。
The variety of relative price is the media of marketing evolution and institutional change. 相对价格的变化是市场化发展与制度变迁的中介。